
We are told we can have it all.

So why does it feel like the balls are about to fall?

Family. Career. Success. Happiness. As executives in power - we have high expectations. We’re driven, smart, savvy and ball-busters. We worked hard to get where we are and we want it all. Hell, we deserve it!

But the juggling game is killing us and there’s no one to turn to.

You find yourself looking at others, wondering how they have time to run a business, manage staff, have a family - seemingly without breaking a sweat. 

Sarita has spent 30 years in business who’s climbed the corporate ladder, managed businesses and staff, all with a family who needed her equally, she balanced the two worlds and has felt the pressure of having - and keeping it all.

If you want an honest, frank and straight-talking business and mindset coach, who has walked in your shoes,  you need Sarita. She’ll help you identify what might be holding you back from having it all - bringing balance and clarity to your life - both at work and home.

If you want it all - and want to feel like you’re actually in control, not just faking it - you need SJ Coaching.

Leave your details and receive your first FREE consultation with Sarita Johan - business coach and mindset specialist for executives.

Stop juggling. Stop struggling. Take action today – leave your details for your first free consultation – and let’s get started.

Business Coaching That Works.


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    How we do it


    Together we’ll identify and identify what is weighing you down.


    You can have it all - with strategies that create balance and clarity.


    Stand tall and take on the world.


    For yourself and everyone around you.